Free Books

Is your book budget stretched thin? I feel you! Fortunately, there are ways to read for free while still supporting indie authors like myself, without visiting sites that are as likely to give you a virus as successfully download free books.

First, check your local library for free Irene Davis books!

If they’re not in the catalog yet, you can request them. You’ll be first in line for the hold and you’ll make it possible for more folks in your community to find my books. Everyone wins! If you’re not sure how to request a purchase with your library, I have all the info you’ll need right here.

Second, join my newsletter and you can download a free short story right now.

Plus you’ll hear when I have books on sale or have bonus material available for readers.

Third, add my books to your To Be Read list on Goodreads.

Or add them on Storygraph. The books will still be there when you’re ready to get them. That’s the beauty of ebooks: they don’t get rotten and they don’t go out of print. Alternatively, look them up on Amazon, add the print editions to your cart then switch them to “Save For Later.”


Oh, and if you maybe kinda already pirated one of my books? You could at least buy me a coffee.